Top 5 things to consider when finding the right school for your family in Queensland

Known as the “smart state” of Australia, Queensland is a state that prioritises education. If you have children, one of the most important decisions you'll ever make is where to send them to school. Public or private? Academic or real-world focused? Small school or big campus? All of these questions will come up when deciding where to send your kids, whether they’re just starting school for the first time, relocating from a different area or moving from somewhere that didn’t suit your family’s needs. The choices can be overwhelming, so here are the 5 things to think about when finding the right school for your children on the Sunshine Coast.


The first thing to consider when searching for schools is where the best school for your family is. While some people move into areas based on the nearby schools, most people will need to consider what schools are contenders based on their location. Most independent, private and religious schools do not require you to live within a certain zone, but government schools do. You can check which government schools you are in the catchment for here. You will also need to think about the day-to-day practicalities of going to the school you decide upon; who will be responsible for drop-off and pick-up? Are you happy with your kids taking public transport? Are you in a safe neighbourhood for walking? While parents can and do make almost any commute work to ensure their kids get the best education possible, this is a trip you and your children may be making for 12 or more years, so it's important to find a situation that works for you.


If your child has a talent or interest that you want to explore with them further, choosing a school that specialises in that area can be a great way to foster passion, commitment and discipline early in your children’s life. Many schools in the Sunshine Coast have specialty programs in music, sports, the arts and academia, making it definitely worthwhile to find a school that is engaging and well-suited to your child or children. A great example of such a school is Sunshine Beach State School, which specialises in surfing. While the best way to find out what schools offer specialist programs is often by contacting the schools directly the Queensland Government page here gives you a great jumping off point.


While you may just think that choosing between an independent, private, religious and government school is the easiest way to determine what values are prioritised at a school, it’s often a lot more complicated than that. Of course, schools within particular religions are the obvious choice for families within that religion, but it is also important to research a school’s values in general. Your child will spend their formative years within this school, you want to be sure they are being surrounded by teachers, mentors and peers that uphold beliefs and morals that are important to you and your family. Many schools will give information about their ideals on their website, but it is also a good idea to visit the school and speak to staff to get a better idea of the school's values as a whole. Things like kindness, integrity, respect, inclusivity and diversity may be more of a priority for you than performance or competition, and your child's school should reflect that.


While a lot of information can be gleaned from school visits and research, nothing quite informs you on a school than other parents, teachers and children of that school. Being able to speak with people with personal experience of the school you are looking into is a great way to get an idea of how the school operates as a whole. And no one knows how important this information is than others who have been in your exact position. So, reach out in your circles, community and in forums. Find out how people find the schools they send their kids to, and if they're happy with them. My Choice Schools is a great website to start on, as it uses demographics, test results and parent reviews to rate schools; click here to have a look.

Education philosophy

A lot of schools have their own education philosophy which is their preferred approach to teaching and learning within the school. A school-wide teaching philosophy is often held by the principal, administrators and school stakeholders, and enforced by the staff within classrooms. This can range from strict, disciplinarian codes of conduct to more play-based learning like those found in Montessori schools. The philosophy followed by a school directs the way students are taught, treated and guided in their learning, play and behaviour. So, it is important that the school you choose has one that you agree with, and that closely aligns with how you raise your children yourself. This consistency makes for more stability in your child's life, as well as reinforces their learning at home. Most school's education philosophy can be found on their website, and it's always a good idea to reach out to the administration for a more in-depth idea of what this philosophy looks like in action. 

Where to next?

Sometimes you can look at all the right things and still feel completely overwhelmed. If you are relocating or moving schools within the Sunshine Coast, get in touch with Keeta from Ocean Buyer’s Agency for professional, expert advice on all things Sunshine Coast, education and family living. Her experience as one of the Sunshine Coast’s best buyer’s agents means she’s well-versed in all that is involved in moving to a new place and knows exactly what support you will need and how to provide it. Reach out to Keeta here.


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